Thursday, July 18, 2013

Loving the Bride

This video was shared last night during our lesson on Colossians, by our pastor.  I have to say it made me think good and hard about how I feel about the church (all of her).  I don't know about you, but often I find people to be annoying, and I just would rather not deal with them.  Don't get me wrong, I love them, I just can't always tolerate them.   Especially, those in the church.  I guess I offer more grace and forgiveness to those whom I think don't know any better.  You know what  I mean.  When you meet someone who is for sure totally "lost,"  It is so much easier to offer compassion, grace, and forgiveness.  But, when you know someone is a part of the body of Christ, and especially when they have been a believer a long time, it is so much harder to offer that same love to them. 
Do you struggle with this too?  I especially struggle with those in the church that spend a lot of time comparing, complaining, and criticizing.  Yet, I am often one of those people too.  How strange is that?  I may be more private about it.  You know only talking to my spouse, family, or close friends, but still it is not different than anyone else.  Just because I don't make a dramatic scene, doesn't mean I am not causing division or bitterness in the church.  So, what is one to do?  How in the world are we to love these people, this body, Christ's Bride?  I am so glad Christ gave an example to follow.  Oh, it isn't an easy answer, but it is the only answer.

Sacrificially, Whole heartedly, Selflessly, with reckless abandonment.  This is the example Christ gave us as he lived and died for us.  I feel challenged to go for it.  How about you?

Ephesians 5:1-2
"Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children;  and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma."